Monday, April 23, 2012

Six Shastras of Ancient India.

1) Sankhyashastra (Mathematics):- Kapil Muni is founder of this science. Prakruti and Purush is elucidates in Sankhya shastra. Prakruti is Karta(Founder) and Purush is Aatma(soul/ user) is considered here.

2)Yog Shastra:- Patanjali is foundr of this shastra. it decribe way and features of Yoga.

3) Nyayashastra(Law):- Gautam Muni founded this Shastra.

4) Vaisheshik Shastra:- This science fonded by Kanak Muni.

5) Purvamimansa:- Its Founded by Jeminy Muni.

6) Uttar Mimansa Shastra:- It is Founded by Baadrayan Vyas.


  1. Replies
    1. Its My Pleasure,
      Keep in touch with this blog no. of information I am sharing here.
      -YuvrajRaje Sutar.

  2. Hello!

    Thanks for sharing the info, but I am a little puzzled.

    According to Wikipedia here :


    "The happy king named the girl "Tadaatagai" and being the heir to the throne, Tadaatagai was trained carefully in all the 64 sastras, the fields of science."

    end of quote.

    Results that there are 64 sastras / shastras, and not 6 as you mentioned in your article. I guess that the one that you mentioned are just the major ones. But where I can find the list (a detailed and explicative one would be best) of all the 64 the sastras / shastras? Can you give me any help with that?

    Thank you!
    Cristiana from Romania

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Cristiana did u got the answer for your question what just you have asked

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Cristiana did u got the answer for your question what just you have asked

    5. 64 are the maximum types of arts in ancient India, shastras are scriptures, do u get it now? 👍

    6. Yes, 64 are the maximum arts a person can master. Sri Krishna was the one said to have mastered this.

  3. these are not included in sastra.this the six darshanas

  4. Those are 64 Vidhyas, which means, we had many people learnt 64 subjects and implemented in their lives. Please google 64 vidhyas you will have more information

  5. yuvraj do u know about debba shastram it's related to the ancient rock sculputers

    rock carving,please help me
    or else shilpi shastram

  6. yuvraj do u know about debba shastram it's related to the ancient rock sculputers

    rock carving,please help me
    or else shilpi shastram

  7. but sir what about vastushastar, ayurved shastar and jyotish shastar... ? these are not considered in SHASTARS?

  8. but sir what about vastushastar, ayurved shastar and jyotish shastar... ? these are not considered in SHASTARS?

  9. These are the six orthodox philosophical schools; not the six shastras.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 6.ਛੇ ਸ਼ਾਸਤ੍ਰ
    1.ਵੇਦਾਂਤ, 2.ਨਿਆਇ, 3.ਯੋਗ, 4.ਸਾਂਖ, 5.ਮੀਮਾਂਸਾ, 6.ਵੈਸ਼ੇਸ਼ਿਕ

    6.Six Shastra
    1.Vedanta, 2.Niyya, 3.Yoga, 4.Sankh, 5.Mimansa, 6.Vishheshik

    6.छः शास्त्रा
    1.वेदांत, 2.न्याई,, 3.योग, 4.सांख, 5.मिमांसा, 6.विश्वेशिक

  12. Can we know about muni(all six) and their biarth history.
